Tuesday 30 June 2015

Game Show Proposal

The whole show will be split up into three sections. Each one containing a game where our guests will battle for points. So this basically should be a game show, but with a talk show aspect, since our layout its not really adjusted for a game show. The first game of the show will be observation round. Here we will have our guests watch a video where they need to spot the changes in the scene of that particular video and then name how many changes have they seen. Each change spotted counts as a point. There will be at least 3 videos in this category/game. Second round will be "What happens next". Where our contestants will have to watch a short video which will be paused and left for them to guess what happens next. If they get it right, points will be given accordingly. In this round we will have 3 video clips. As for the third and final round we will have Jelly Beans of all kinds of flavours ranging from stinky socks to Skunk spray. Our contestants will have to try them without knowing which one they're are eating. If they successfully swallow the bean, a point will be given to them.
At the end, we will count down the points and announce a winner!

This will be our schedule for the day of the filming.

We will use cameras provided in studio. JVC something...
All three cameras will be stationary because we dont have any movement happening during the show.
We will have one central camera overlooking the whole set, one for the host and one for ours guests.
These cameras will be controlled from the control room where the cuts will be made.

Retro Chicken Rally Script and Risk Assesment

Risk Assesment:

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