Tuesday 30 June 2015

Game Show Evaliation - Retro Chicken Rally


After two days of filming with the first one being a complete failure, we managed to film the show without being too far behind on the schedule. We had some technical difficulties on our first day, mics weren't working, recoding issues and so on. This we managed to resolve the day after and the filming was finally possible. One of the most important tasks was to eliminate any shadows from the greenscreen. This can really impact your ability to successfully keyout the green from the scene, it is possible but you would loose quality and integrity of your video. So we took extra care for the lighting.

Putting all of technical difficulties behind, we were finally ready to shoot. We had our guests in, our host and the whole team behind the scenes working as one to make this as smooth as possible. Whenever we noticed something out of place, we had our floor manager in direct communication with the control room, and we would get that thing sorted out. Quite often we would have outtakes and we would just stop there for a second and laugh, even tho we felt the pressure of time and need for this to be done.

 The whole thing just clicked in place, guests were really getting along which made the production much easier. It all just came out natural, with no need for scripts. The whole show was finished in about 5h time, now it was time to edit it. We did some some cuts in the control room which helped a bit, but we still needed to remove that green screen and replace it with something more appropriate.

Before we get into editing, Intro music had to be made. We did this by sampling a song called "Chicken song" that we found on the internet and making it fit our needs. This was made possible by garage band, where we did all of audio work. We made an Intro, background music for the show and an outro. Now it was time to put all things together and upload the show on Youtube.

The edit took a lot of time to finish. The intro we used was downloaded, and modified to fit our show. The trasition you can see throughout the video is a piece of the intro, but with its backgroud removed. As for the gameshow it self, i layered the footage, cut it and placed it in the right order and then i removed the green from the background of the clips. I took an image from the internet that looks retro but not boring and placed as a background. The final clip was exported in QuickTime format with H.264 codec. And here's the final video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGRAKiR9lg8

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