Tuesday 30 June 2015

Game Show Evaliation - Retro Chicken Rally


After two days of filming with the first one being a complete failure, we managed to film the show without being too far behind on the schedule. We had some technical difficulties on our first day, mics weren't working, recoding issues and so on. This we managed to resolve the day after and the filming was finally possible. One of the most important tasks was to eliminate any shadows from the greenscreen. This can really impact your ability to successfully keyout the green from the scene, it is possible but you would loose quality and integrity of your video. So we took extra care for the lighting.

Putting all of technical difficulties behind, we were finally ready to shoot. We had our guests in, our host and the whole team behind the scenes working as one to make this as smooth as possible. Whenever we noticed something out of place, we had our floor manager in direct communication with the control room, and we would get that thing sorted out. Quite often we would have outtakes and we would just stop there for a second and laugh, even tho we felt the pressure of time and need for this to be done.

 The whole thing just clicked in place, guests were really getting along which made the production much easier. It all just came out natural, with no need for scripts. The whole show was finished in about 5h time, now it was time to edit it. We did some some cuts in the control room which helped a bit, but we still needed to remove that green screen and replace it with something more appropriate.

Before we get into editing, Intro music had to be made. We did this by sampling a song called "Chicken song" that we found on the internet and making it fit our needs. This was made possible by garage band, where we did all of audio work. We made an Intro, background music for the show and an outro. Now it was time to put all things together and upload the show on Youtube.

The edit took a lot of time to finish. The intro we used was downloaded, and modified to fit our show. The trasition you can see throughout the video is a piece of the intro, but with its backgroud removed. As for the gameshow it self, i layered the footage, cut it and placed it in the right order and then i removed the green from the background of the clips. I took an image from the internet that looks retro but not boring and placed as a background. The final clip was exported in QuickTime format with H.264 codec. And here's the final video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGRAKiR9lg8

Game Show Proposal

The whole show will be split up into three sections. Each one containing a game where our guests will battle for points. So this basically should be a game show, but with a talk show aspect, since our layout its not really adjusted for a game show. The first game of the show will be observation round. Here we will have our guests watch a video where they need to spot the changes in the scene of that particular video and then name how many changes have they seen. Each change spotted counts as a point. There will be at least 3 videos in this category/game. Second round will be "What happens next". Where our contestants will have to watch a short video which will be paused and left for them to guess what happens next. If they get it right, points will be given accordingly. In this round we will have 3 video clips. As for the third and final round we will have Jelly Beans of all kinds of flavours ranging from stinky socks to Skunk spray. Our contestants will have to try them without knowing which one they're are eating. If they successfully swallow the bean, a point will be given to them.
At the end, we will count down the points and announce a winner!

This will be our schedule for the day of the filming.

We will use cameras provided in studio. JVC something...
All three cameras will be stationary because we dont have any movement happening during the show.
We will have one central camera overlooking the whole set, one for the host and one for ours guests.
These cameras will be controlled from the control room where the cuts will be made.

Retro Chicken Rally Script and Risk Assesment

Risk Assesment:

Friday 26 June 2015

Task 1 Unit 61 Research Report - Pointless

Game show research: Pointless

Pointless is a British quiz show that began airing on BBC Two in August 2009, but it was moved to BBC One in 2011. The object of the game is for contestants not only to provide correct answers, but also provide the most obscure possible correct answers. Each team consisting of two contestants. and in each round the team with the highest score is eliminated whilst the other teams proceed to the next round. The whole color scheme is based on purple/blue with red accents as shown in the image below: 

The show relies on your knowledge of the choosen category and it could be very informative for the audience watching. The whole studio was crafted without green screen. The center point of it, is the screen where the questions and categories would show for the contestants to choose from. Each couple has a screen which they stand behind it, and it shows their score.  On the left side, right side of the host there is a scoreboard which tells you if your answers are correct, not correct and pointless. Prior to the show100 people are each given 100 seconds to give as many answers as they can to the questions that will be asked to the teams during the show. Correct answers are given a point value equal to the number of panellists who gave them, so that less commonly given answers have lower values than those given by many panellists. "Pointless" answers are those correct answers that none of the 100 panellists gave, making them worth zero points. The lower you score the better for you. At the end of each round, the couple with the highest score will leave the show and those left will proceed to the next round, where again their score total will decided if they won the round. If you defeat all of the contestants, you will get to play for a jackpot. The jackpot starts at£2,500, but it goes to £5,000 in special episodes. All you have to do to win that jackpot is to answer 3 question with one of them being pointless, scoring 0 on the scoreboard. If you do not aquire that bonus jackpot, you will walk of with a pointless trophy. If that jackpot remains unclaimed it will be added to next weeks jackpot, increasing the total amount.

The format and gameplay changed slightly between series. The game consists of elimination rounds until two couples reach head to head round where they will be playing for the spot in the Finals. This format has been exported to other European countries. Fun fact: 4 episodes are recorded in a day, so when they say see you next week, what it actually means is: Have fun waiting for the next episode that will be recorded in the next hour or so.

Monday 8 June 2015

Evaluation - Social Media Apps

Evaluation - http://marksaponja.wix.com/garrywaltermedia

Every platform that I have reviewed has its own page where I've explained the key features of that particular app. Every page has "History" part where I wrote a small bit about how that app was created and its early days. Next to the History paragraph, there are "Features". Here I've explained the most important features of the app. I tried to make it as clean as possible. It took me a while to finish it, but I think it was worth the wait.

On every page, i had my content displayed in order to show how these apps actually work. Most of them are pretty simple illustrative photos which can help the viewer get around the interface of the app. For Snapchat, I've made a tutorial in which i demonstrated how to make your own geofilter. It was compiled of 8 images showing each step of the way for creating the filter. Because of this, Snapchat's page has the most content. On some reviews I've put images of people who are likely to use these app. This contributed to the overall look of the site.

My target audience are people aged from 16 and up. People who are familiar with technology and are happy to try new things in the industry. Most of the apps are targeted at people that are 16 and up, but some like Google Hangouts have a different target audience. Google Hangouts can be used for business calls and its not so popular with young people.

I tried to make the website simple to navigate, pages are long and vertical. The main menu has 3 pages displayed: Home, Social Media (Social media has sub pages where you'll find reviews of the apps). I've also added some Anchors which allow you to jump to certain points on the page, without having to scroll all the way down. I don't have a particular color scheme except for the menu which is red with white fonts and the logo on the left, as for the rest of the site, i tried to follow the red scheme, but it didn't work out. The menu on the top will always stick to the top of the screen so you can access it without having to scroll up, and since some of the pages are long that would be annoying and impractical. 

Due to the lack of time, I was forced to shorten the writing, and focus on the important bits. This impacted the websites look. As i was reviewing some of the apps, i came across some that im not very familiar with, so that too took its time. I had some problems with saving the work, as for some reason Wix didn't want to respond to my commands. I think that's all there is to it, no further problems have I encountered.

The whole website design could improve as well as the writing in my reviews in terms of quantity. Most of the images used for the design are stock footage ones. If I had the time I would take some myself and incorporate them into the site. I would also add some videos showing these apps in use.