Wednesday 11 February 2015

Promo Video and Evaluation

Individual evaluation: Identify 

  • Technical aspects of your promo video
  • Framing/ shots/ quality of images
  • Was it what you proposed to do? 
  • Were your findings accurate? 
  • Was it fit for purpose?
  • What did you target audience think? 
  • How does it appeal to your target audience?  

Technical aspects of my video are making sure that the audio levels are in order and that the videos are well cut. The volume of the music playing in the background had to be modified so that when someone in the video speaks the music fades into the background.

Framing and quality could have been better, but I am happy with what we've got.
We should have used a tripod in more shots to get them as stabilized as possible.
I have experienced some problems with Final Cut Pro and thus the video looks a bit stretched. 
Our target audience are people who just left secondary school and people that are planning to continue their education regardless of their age. Although my video has modern hip hop music in it, it should attract others than just hip hop fans. The hip hop music was placed in the video strategically, because the video starts with "boring" music with not so much exciting shots, and as soon as you are about to think "Oh, this is boring" the screen goes black, music starts and video follows the pattern of the song leading the video to the interview part. As far as opinions on the video from other people go, it seem to be a great take on promoting this College.
The purpose of it is to get people to choose South Thames college over some others, and as far as I'm considered it does the job. The opinions that students and employees at STC gave were honest and overall positive, no scrips were used and our findings prove to be accurate.
From the initial idea to the final product, I am happy with it how it came out. It was not exactly how we planned due to some technical difficulties but it came out alright.

The Final Video:



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