Monday 20 October 2014

Pros and Cons of Digital Magazines.

Task 1
Pros and Cons of Digital Magazines.


  • You can read it anytime, anywhere. As long as you have internet connection you can access it.
  • Ease of access. It doesn't take up space so you can read it anywhere.
  • You don't have to worry about loosing it. You can continue reading your magazines whenever you want and dont have to worry about leaving it somewhere.
  • You can get instant updates. Digital Magazines can be easily updated, within minutes.
  • You can access it from your phone, computer or any other web capable device. 
  • You can easily share your favorite pages with your friends. Digital Magazines are web based sites where every topic contains its own unique URL.
  • It can't be damaged. Digital Magazines do not contain physical properties and are not susceptible to physical damage. 
  • It contains interactive content. They usually contain pictures, videos and links related to the subject.
  • You can get notified if a new story gets released. Digital Magazines are connected with their customers via Twitter, Facebook, MySpace etc.. So whenever a new story comes out you will be the first one to know it.
  • Digital Magazines do not print their content which leads to saving resources like paper, ink and manpower. 
  • You can comment and interact with people about the subject that you are reading. Digital Magazines have comments sections where readers can leave their opinion on the subject. 
  • Are cheaper to make and require much less manpower.


  • If you don't have an internet connection you can not access it.
  • If you are out of power or your battery is dead, You can not read it.
  • Sometimes in order to earn money most of DM's have annoying ads through out their websites.
  • If their servers are down, you won't be able to access it.
  • Some links or websites can lead to viruses. 
  • Can cause Eye Fatigue if you read it for too long.
  • The website can be hacked and manipulate by bad people, providing fake stories and miss leading links.

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