Monday 20 October 2014

Pros and Cons of Print Magazines

Pros and Cons of Print Magazines.


  • You are not limited by internet connection or electricity. Unlike DM's, prints do not require internet connection or power to be read.
  • Prints do not have ads that can cover the text that you are reading. Prints have ads put to the side or on a different page.
  • Easily obtainable, usually provide good amount of news.
  • Can be found anywhere. Shops, bus stations, on trains...
  • Some Magazines come with free toy, disk or vouchers.
  • Prints have alot of illustrative content.
  • You can get some Magazines or Newspaper for free. Some are free and given out on public places. People tend to leave their magazines on trains, buses and other public places.
  • You can subscribe to a Magazine and have it delivered to your home adress every time a new release comes out.
  • If you are camping, You can use magazines to start a fire.
  • Prints get the most important news printed on the cover of the magazines. So you don't miss whats really important.


  • Prints cause alot of damage to the forests. Trees are cut down in order to make paper and this leads to Deforestation which is a worldwide problem.
  • Magazines take up space, and if you don't recycle them or throw them away they can pile up and make quite a mess.
  • Magazines are most likely to be damaged over time, so it is essential that you read it as soon as possible.
  • You can not interact with the content or other people reading it.
  • Typos in Magazines can not be edited or fixed. If there is a mistake in your Magazine its impossibe to be fixed.
  • Some magazines are pretty big and are difficult to read on some places.
  • Some news that you get can be out dated cause it takes some time to print.

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