Friday 19 December 2014

Legal & Financial

Legal & Financial

Financial – Raising money to start a Business

Before starting your business you have to make sure that you've done your market research,
which if done improperly can greatly affect your business start up.
If you are looking into bank loans you have to present your business plan to your bank
and prove to them that you'll be able to pay back the loan with interest.

You can get support from government schemes including:
  • grants
  • finance and loans
  • business support e.g. mentoring, consultancy 
  • funding for small and medium-sized businesses and start-ups 

Third option would be private/crowd fundraising.
There are number of websites that allow you to raise money for your business idea
or anything really that people would like and contribute to it. The idea behind
crowd fundraising is for you to propose your idea to the wider public and if they
like it, they will contribute by giving you a small (or in some cases big) amount
of money for your business idea. Now, people don't usually give out money just like that.
They have to have interest in your product and they expect something in return. For example
if you are making a technological product like e.g. a new fitness band, your supporters will
expect for you to ship them the final product if they have pledged more that the products value.
These are some of the website that do croud fundraising:

  • Kickstarter - 
  • IndieGoGo -
  • Crowdfunder -

The forth and the final option is selling shares.
You can fund your business by selling shares in your company.
How does it work?
Selling shares is basically selling the percentage of you company to the investor that is
investing in your business. They would give you a certain amount of money in exchange for
a percentage of your company. There are multiple types of investors when it comes to shares:

  • ‘business angels’ (wealthy individuals who invest in start-up businesses)
  • ‘venture capital’ from companies who invest large sums of money in businesses that they think will grow quickly (known as ‘private equity’ companies) 
  • Crowdfunding (where a large group of people invest money in a business idea, usually via the internet)

Sole trader, Partnership and Limited Companies.

Sole trader is a exclusive owner of a business, and entitled to keep all profits after the tax
has been paid. Sole trader is also responsible for all losses.

Business Partnership – A company that has two or more individuals that mange and operate
the business. They're equally and personally liable for all debts and profit of the business.

Limited Companies - A limited company is an organization that you can set up to run your business. It’s responsible in its own right for everything it does and its finances are separate to your personal finances. All the profit the company makes is owned by the company after it pays Taxes.

Pros and Cons.

Of being a Sole Trader:

  • You get to keep all the profits
  • You don't have to report to anyone, you are your own boss
  • You have the full control of your business 
  • If you feel like taking a day off, you can

  • You are responsible for all losses
  • If you don't work, you don't get paid
  • You must be a self-starter

Of business partnership:

  • You split costs and share risks with your partner
  • Bigger network
  • Sector knowledge  
  • One can take a time off while the other partner works.

  • Conflict over being the leader  
  • Hard to find the right person for a partner. 
  • Less independence

Of Limited Company:

  • Lower personal financial risk
  • Credibility 
  • Better tax rates

  • Accountancy fees are generally more expensive 
  • There is less privacy than a sole trader.  
  • More costly starting up as you will have to pay to form a Limited Company

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Kraftwerk Magazine

Magazine development

Designers Technical Commentary

These are different types of file formats. File formats are orderly sequences of data used to encode digital information for storage or exchange. Digital media files may be large. By compressing them, it makes storing them much easier. When you compress some of the files this may lead to losing the quality of the the media. 

Vectors images are made and displayed within drawing programs. Most vector images include 2 and 3-d drawings, logos and fonts. They are made up of lines, curves and shapes with editable attributes such as colour or fill. Vector images are "resolution independent": they can be reshaped or rescaled without losing quality. 

Bitmap images are created when you take a photograph using a digital camera or scan an image from a magazine.
A bitmap image is made of many parts, called pixels, which are often many different colours. its is possible to edit each individual pixel.
As the computer has to store information about every single pixel in the image, the file size of a bitmap graphic is often quite large.
Resizing a bitmap graphic tends to lose quality.

 I've composed my flash banner in After Effects with each section having its
fade in and fade out time, this was made just in case if i decide to put in user control
in, in order for them to select the slide they would like to see.  After exporting the video
in .flv format I've placed it into Adobe's flash, did a bit of coding and exported it to .swf
Later on it was uploaded on for my magazine.


For my Magazine's Title i used to find the suitable font for the style i was going for.

The overall design of the magazine is based on black and white theme
with elegant fonts and decals.

Sponsor page leave a blank space for the advertisments (flash banner).

The only page that is covered in pictures is the Contents Page.
But it also features black and white theme.

The first article should give out that "wow" effect.
Bentley Continental GT and darth vader really do give out
that dark image.

I used the double page to make a comparison between Nissan GTR
and Ferrari 458. I made the two pages merge together and split the content
between the pages.

The back page. I kept it simple with the magazines logo and a bar code.

Copyright 2014 - Kraftwerk

Ideas for my Magazine

The first idea was to make a Gaming Magazine.

The second one was to make a motor sport magazine, 
later i decided that i should stick with this one.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Adobe Digital Publishing Suite

Delivering immersive experiences for magazines, newspapers,
 retail catalogs, apps, and corporate publications.

Adobe Digital Publishing Suite is a 'workflow' solution for Adobe InDesign made for Publishing agencies, individual designers and others that to create and publish their magazines/content on wide variety of devices such are Phones, tables and others.

If you ever wanted to create a your own Magazine app or a Digital book App, and you didn't know where to start, then Adobe's Digital Publishing Suite is for you. DPS enables you to design, create and publish an unlimited number of Apps to the Apple's App Store using Adobe's InDesign. It is an excellent solution for creating portfolio style apps that will work natively on your iPad. 
InDesign is well known for its capability to generate interactive content rich PDF files. What DPS does is, it takes all of those features to its own advantage and it helps you create fully interactive apps with videos and HTML5 integration.

Creating your own app.

Start with a Folio Overlay form preset options. Next you would want to add your content, layer up your text and add some more additional "Screens" and multimedia content to form up your design, just as you would create your interactive PDF presentation in InDesign.Folios support audio files, slideshows, videos and interactive HTML5 which allows you to integrate Google Maps and animations into your project. As far as plugins and widgets go, there are thousands commercialy available to choose from, or you can even create your own if you are familiar with HTML code.

You can easily create iPad folio applications using DPS Single Edition, and preview them directly without having to get Apple’s approval first

If you are done with you layout and you've added all of your interactive content it is time to publish it to Adobe Content Viewer. If everything works as it should and you are happy with it, You can publish and upload it to the App Store. Apple's App Store Developer account costs around 60 pounds per year and it is essential if you plan to upload your work on it. Once you've uploaded it, you can set the price for you app and periodically if needed update your app using standard Apple process.

 The principal idea behind DPS is to create online magazines and publications, and Adobe’s promotional material highlights this, but you can incorporate interactive HTML elements, including those created with Edge Animate CC, to make your app much more than a book.

And there you have it, your own magazine, digital book or whatever is it that you plan on creating. With just a few simple step you can start publishing you work. The only downside to all of this is the pricing and due to this its mostly used by high budget companies like National Geographic.

Monday 3 November 2014

The Hearst Corporation

The Hearst Corporation is an American multinational mass media company based in New York. 
Founded on March 4th 1887. Hearst's interests are newspaper, magazines including CosmopolitanEsquireElle, The Oprah Magazine, over 20 tv stations, digital distribution and other. Hearst Corporation recieved 7 Nominations for National Magazine Awards in 2014. Nominated for General Excellence, Photography, Design and others. It just goes to show that Hearst means business.

Hearst Entertainment & Syndication includes cable network partnerships, television programming activities, and newspaper syndication and merchandise licensing operations.

And many others...

History of the Company

"On March 4, 1887, William Randolph Hearst placed his name on the masthead of the San Francisco Examiner as "Proprietor" for the first time. More than 12 decades later, Hearst has grown into one of the world's most admired private media and information companies with some 200 businesses in more than 150 countries."

The Hearst Corporation publishes over 300 Magazines world-wide such as Harper's Bazaar, Cosmopolitan, Esquire, Elle, The Oprah Magazine. Owned and Managed by Hearst Family the company holdings have expanded to include a highly diversified portfolio of media interests.
The company generates a whooping revenue of 9Bilion US Dollars per year with William Randolph Hearst III as a chairman.  Hearst also does Internet and Marketing services, News Paper distribution, TV production and real estate.

National Geographic


The preeminent awards for magazine journalism in the United States.
27 years of consecutive nominations, collecting a total
of 29 awards
2013: Four wins for Photography, Multimedia, Tablet Edition, and 
General Excellence, Print
2012: Best Tablet Edition

 2011: Two wins for Magazine of the Year and Single-Topic Issue

One of the oldest, largest, and most highly respected
photojournalism contests in the world.
 23 wards overall, including Best Magazine, Use, and Global Vision 

Promotes interest in map design and recognizes significant 
design advances in cartography.
Best in Show and Thematic Category; Best of Category; 
Honorable Mention for Reference Category

"The National Geographic Society is dedicated to inspiring people to care about the planet. National Geographic's Mission Programs division fulfills this objective by supporting critical expeditions and scientific fieldwork, advancing geography education, promoting natural and cultural conservation, and inspiring audiences through vibrant exhibitions and live events."


Canon is the Lead Education Sponsor for National Geographic Live's student matinee series in the United States.  The student matinees engage thousands of students in grades K-12 each year with dynamic presentations by National Geographic Explorers.

Google is the National Presenting Sponsor of the National Geographic Bee and sponsor of the National Geographic World Championship. Google is also a partner in National Geographic's Ocean Initiative.

In partnership with Shell, National Geographic created The Great Energy Challenge, an important initiative designed to help all of us better understand the breadth and depth of our current energy situation.

And Others..

Print and Digital

National Geographic, former The National Geographic Magazine had its first print in 1888 and since
then it has been published continously. Most of its articles are based on world culture, geography and history. In 2009 the first digital copy was release, but its limited to iPad's, iPhone's and Amazon's Kindle devices. Both Traditional Printed and Digital are published on monthly bases with montly circulation of around 3.5million dollars. The magazine celebrated its 125th anniversary in october 2013.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Magazine Comparison

Analyse Two Different Magazines.

Approx 500 words each.

  • Use of navigation
  • Animated Graphics
  • Overall Layout
  • Use of Colors and Fonts
  • Types of Interactivity

I will start with GQ, formerly Gentlemen's Quarterly is an monthly
Men's magazine. It focuses fashion, style and culture for men with
articles on food, tech, sex, fitness, music, film, books, travel and others.
First launched in 1931 as Apparel Arts, men's fashion magazine for clothing, aimed at wholesale buyers and retail sellers. In 1958 name  
Apparel Arts was dropped and thus Gentlemen's Quarterly was
established. 1967 was the year when Gentlemen's Quarterly was
re-branded to GQ and shortly after in 1970 the rate of publication was increased from quarterly to monthly. In 2009 UK's version of GQ was
released on the web.

"GQ is the ultimate monthly men’s lifestyle guide and is well ahead of the game when it comes fashion trends and grooming. While most men currently live in an age of casual jeans and t-shirts, GQ definitely proves that there is still room for elegance." - iSubscribe

The magazine uses simplistic black and white layout with GQ logo in yellow. With help of cleverly selected fonts and colours, the site really gives out that "Classy" look. The landing page of the website is occupied by latest and most important stories related to fashion, film, style and others. With tons of stories to read from GQ makes sure to keep you entertained. Navigating through the website is easy. With several categories and even more sub-categories leading to the stories that you are interested in, the main menu of the site is located at the top of the landing page enabling you to
get around pretty easily. As far as i can see, GQ avoids animated graphics except when it comes to
ads which are not directly controlled by GQ. This adds to the ''Classy'' look of the website without
animated pictures and ads popping out of nowhere. For each story, theres a comment box where you can leave you oppinon or make a discussion about what You've just read. This allowes you to interact with other people and see what others think. In addition to that you can Like, Tweet or share you posts on social networks. About 73% of readership are men with 63% of them being single.

Whether it's getting Dennis Hopper to shoot Quentin Tarantino, interrogating David Miliband on life, love and leadership or asking U2's Bono for advice on headlines, GQ is your access-all-areas pass to corridors of power in Hollywood, Westminster and more. -iSubscribe

The magazine features both print and digital formats to suit your liking. You can have them delivered to your house or download it on your phone, tablet or computer.
 GQ is wittier, more sophisticated and stylish than any other men’s magazine on the market, featuring the most beautiful women in the world, the most authoritative figures and the most stylish men.
Whether you like Technology, Sport, Music or Cars, GQ magazine will keep you informed on every topic you can think of starting from Fashion to Politics. Deffinitely worth  your time.

Formerly The National Geographic Magazine, National Geographic is National Geographic Society's official magazine. First published in 1888, primarily containing articles about World Culture, History and Geography. The print version of the Magazine is well known for its yellow rectangular border and use of dramatic images. Released both in traditional Print and Digital formats with over 40 local language editions, in 2014 National Geographic made a global circulation of 6.8 million dollars per month.

Brian Sing
Mount Dandenong, Australia

On a solo bike trip from Argentina to Ecuador, Sing, 36,met two companions in southern Bolivia. 
One was Carl-David Granback, whom he photographed (using Granback’s camera)  at this crossroads. 
After deliberation, the cyclists went left.

"Spending time in the country surrounded by nature has always been a life passion of mine. As you get older, you realise the potential of travelling the planet is maybe not as great as it once was, so to relive some of my favourite travel experiences through National Geographic is really important. For me, it’s all about fantastic stories, amazing photography, and the freedom you feel from knowing that there is a whole wide world out there ready to be explored. And that doesn’t just have to be about animals and plants – people matter too!"              David Bellamy

Often described as Visually stunning and Editorially engaging, National Geographic's layout is simply put "Amazing". To the untrained eye it might seem pretty minimalistic or simple, but what they are really doing is putting photographs in the first place so that the whole website is dominated with images related to the articles. Not just any images, images that are beyond creativity and style. With a black-white-yellow theme and fonts that don't pop out or have glitter in them, the website looks neat and clean. Navigation is pretty similar to the GQ's. With good amount of categories and sub categories the site is pretty easy to navigate to the staggering amount of articles and related content. The front page has all the latest articles to read from, and if you even wish to read an older article you can always use the search bar located at the top right corner of the website. The site is managed very well, with a small number of adverts you are always promised a nice read without annoying ads poping out from nowhere.  As far as interactivity goes they have Interactive Maps, Comment boxes for each article, social share button's (You can share the post that you've just read with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks), Online Shop where you can buy anything from Books to Jewelry, they even have library of games! Let's be honest. What more could you ask for from a Digital Magazine? And if that's not enough for you, You can always watch a movie or two from their's Movies section. 

"I've always been fascinated by the magic
of fireflies in the Sele Valley of southern Italy,where I live, There are many during the 
months of May and June, a sign of a
healthy habitat.”

-Massimo Gugliucciello

If you are into Science, Geography, History or even just Photography, You should deffinitely check out  National Geography's Magazine. Both in Print and Digital, you can't go wrong with it. The only limitation that I find quite unnecessary is that only iPad, iPhone and Kindle have the App for the Digital Magazine. You can always access their website but when you are on the go you really need that speed of access from the app.

Monday 20 October 2014

Pros and Cons of Print Magazines

Pros and Cons of Print Magazines.


  • You are not limited by internet connection or electricity. Unlike DM's, prints do not require internet connection or power to be read.
  • Prints do not have ads that can cover the text that you are reading. Prints have ads put to the side or on a different page.
  • Easily obtainable, usually provide good amount of news.
  • Can be found anywhere. Shops, bus stations, on trains...
  • Some Magazines come with free toy, disk or vouchers.
  • Prints have alot of illustrative content.
  • You can get some Magazines or Newspaper for free. Some are free and given out on public places. People tend to leave their magazines on trains, buses and other public places.
  • You can subscribe to a Magazine and have it delivered to your home adress every time a new release comes out.
  • If you are camping, You can use magazines to start a fire.
  • Prints get the most important news printed on the cover of the magazines. So you don't miss whats really important.


  • Prints cause alot of damage to the forests. Trees are cut down in order to make paper and this leads to Deforestation which is a worldwide problem.
  • Magazines take up space, and if you don't recycle them or throw them away they can pile up and make quite a mess.
  • Magazines are most likely to be damaged over time, so it is essential that you read it as soon as possible.
  • You can not interact with the content or other people reading it.
  • Typos in Magazines can not be edited or fixed. If there is a mistake in your Magazine its impossibe to be fixed.
  • Some magazines are pretty big and are difficult to read on some places.
  • Some news that you get can be out dated cause it takes some time to print.

Pros and Cons of Digital Magazines.

Task 1
Pros and Cons of Digital Magazines.


  • You can read it anytime, anywhere. As long as you have internet connection you can access it.
  • Ease of access. It doesn't take up space so you can read it anywhere.
  • You don't have to worry about loosing it. You can continue reading your magazines whenever you want and dont have to worry about leaving it somewhere.
  • You can get instant updates. Digital Magazines can be easily updated, within minutes.
  • You can access it from your phone, computer or any other web capable device. 
  • You can easily share your favorite pages with your friends. Digital Magazines are web based sites where every topic contains its own unique URL.
  • It can't be damaged. Digital Magazines do not contain physical properties and are not susceptible to physical damage. 
  • It contains interactive content. They usually contain pictures, videos and links related to the subject.
  • You can get notified if a new story gets released. Digital Magazines are connected with their customers via Twitter, Facebook, MySpace etc.. So whenever a new story comes out you will be the first one to know it.
  • Digital Magazines do not print their content which leads to saving resources like paper, ink and manpower. 
  • You can comment and interact with people about the subject that you are reading. Digital Magazines have comments sections where readers can leave their opinion on the subject. 
  • Are cheaper to make and require much less manpower.


  • If you don't have an internet connection you can not access it.
  • If you are out of power or your battery is dead, You can not read it.
  • Sometimes in order to earn money most of DM's have annoying ads through out their websites.
  • If their servers are down, you won't be able to access it.
  • Some links or websites can lead to viruses. 
  • Can cause Eye Fatigue if you read it for too long.
  • The website can be hacked and manipulate by bad people, providing fake stories and miss leading links.