Monday 13 April 2015

My Product - Diamond Juice

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I'm going to use Nestle's orange juice bottle design and make a new label for it.
This bottle is fairly small and compact which makes it a perfect candidate for my idea.
I believe that Nestle has stopped producing these kind of drinks and that this bottle is dis-used.

This is how the bottle looks like: 
The overall color style will be orange, and fonts that i will use are all system fonts that can be found on your computer. The logo which I designed is the only thing that stands out, because it has blue elements in it. Later i will explain how i made it.

I looked up to Tropicana and how they design their bottles. That was the main inspiration for me. They have their title, and basic information about that product (eg. With Juicy Bits), pretty clean. That was the look I was going for, and I believe I managed to pull it off.

Designing the logo was pretty easy and intuitive. All i had to do is look up some logo's on Google for inspiration and it just came together.

This is the logo which I was inspired by:

After a couple of minutes of trying out many combinations i came up with this:

Pretty slick, eh?

I made the logo in Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Illustrator is a vector graphics editor, which is often used by professional graphic designers to make logos, graphic posters and other.

Here's a screenshot of me making the logo.

Basically what i did is, I downloaded the diamond image as .svg file from the internet, this file was vector based, so it allowed me to edit it, change color etc, without loosing any quality. The font I used was downloaded for free commercial use, so I won't have any problems with copyright strikes etc. And that was it for the logo.

Next, I took the bottle design and removed Nestle's label, so i can later add my own to it.

I've matched the color of which i will mask the label with, with one of the corners of the bottle.

But wait! There's more!

The logo which I've created is awesome, i know.
I've placed it on the middle part of the upper part of the label.


Now its time for some graphic shenanigans.
I've put some oranges on it in addition to paint brush trail of some sort.
Hold on, we're getting there...

Looks alright, but there's something missing. It seems a bit dull.
Bring out the background!

Now, that's what I'm talking about!
Now, All i needed to do is to add some text and some light reflection on the bottle, which i did, in this final step.

And here it is! The finished product!

How I made the banner?

I used, because it saves time when it comes to creating flash banners.
All you have to do is: import your images, type in your text and place them where you want them to be. There's a lot of transition and animation presets that you can choose from, just one click away.

This is how it looks like.

 Adding buttons is simple. Just click on the "Add button" icon, shape it to your will and put your link in it.

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